Spammers Using Names of Trend Micro & Microsoft in Their MessagesThere is a growing trend among cyber criminals to use reliable and well-known logos in spam mails. The purpose is to attract potential victims into visiting the malicious websites. The latest spam scam, which resorts to this technique, involves Trend Micro and Microsoft -companies that are well known internationally. The malware blog of TrendLabs posted on January 12, 2009 issued an alert to all end-users about e-mails that purport to be from Microsoft and use the logo of Trend Micro to appear legitimate. The news also discloses that the standard Microsoft Hotmail e-mail message is supposedly targeting users in Latin America. The message's content starts by greeting the recipient and says that his system is automatically distributing spam mails that carried a computer virus. Subsequently, it advises the recipient to download the spam filtering solution that could be found along with the message. The message also states that the download could be done if the recipient's e-mail remained blocked for 48 hours, after which it signs off by appreciating the reader. Meantime, security experts' analysis of the e-mail reveals that users would find a window with an executable file named vizualizar.exe. According to Trend Micro, this executable file is TROJ_DLOAD.PW. This malware also contains filestander2009.exe, an information interceptor identified as TSPY_BANKER.GGB. Trend Micro said that this last file is a banker spyware that often attacks the Brazilian users. This threat appears to continue to trouble in future. Maria Alarcon, anti-spam Research Engineer at Trend Micro, said that spammers are relying on the two companies' popularity for sending spam mails. Moreover, by sending a message that would appear to have a Trend Micro/Microsoft content, they are likely to succeed in duping some users into downloading the attachment, as reported by SCMagazine on January 12, 2009. In addition, it has been observed that Microsoft, being a trustworthy name, is a favorite for cyber criminals who have used it several times in their social engineering tactics to encourage users into unwittingly download and install malicious software on their computers. Related article: Spammers Continue their Campaigns Successfully » SPAMfighter News - 1/24/2009 |
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