File-sharing and Webmail Usage More Dangerous than Facebook Surfing: Palo AltoIn its 6th Annual Application Usage and Risk Report, Palo Alto Networks the security company produces data from about 700 customers for its application-layer firewall, which reveals that staff members dodge security systems through file-sharing and Webmail at a rate much higher than using Facebook. Says product marketing manager Matt Keil at Palo Alto Networks, it seems IM and e-mail are the key mediums through which threats like Conficker arrive. According to him, Palo Alto customers were infected with Conficker in 114,000 log incidences. DarkReading published this on October 21, 2010. Explaining a log incidence, Keil says that it occurs whilst Conficker actively attempts at multiplying to spread, or transmits information alternatively phones home using the network. Moreover, when examining feasible attacks, Palo Alto's data show that 15 organizations were infected with 84,000 Trojans (GGDoor malware), 21 organizations with Zeus, and there were 43,000 instances of Mariposa infections. The report then goes on to state that employees using Facebook leads to an adverse outcome, yet they browse the website for social networking heavily in comparison to potentially handing over organization secrets. Furthermore, as per the report, Webmail usage leads to a hazard that's far greater. Explained Palo Alto, users were utilizing various software programs while thinking that their tasks were getting fulfilled. But they weren't considering the fact that those programs' usage posed danger to their private data as well as of the organization's. And that's where the IT and security department required exercising their expertise and influence, the report concluded. The Tech Herald published this on October 21, 2010. States director of product marketing Chris King for Palo Alto Networks, the dangers associated with Facebook against Webmail appear to be slightly overblown. According to him, in Facebook's case, people read the stuff of others and this goes on when they're primarily engaged in work. DarkReading reported this. Meanwhile, the specialists say that while malware is one danger, leakage of information is another problem which can be caused with end-user programs. According to them, e-mail and IM programs are fantastic means for handling client-interaction since they assist in cooperation and communication between offices. Related article: Flaw For PayPal Website, Opportunity For Fraudsters ยป SPAMfighter News - 10/30/2010 |
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