Phishing Email Scam Warned by the FDIC

The FDIC is warning Netizens including customers and bankers on account of scammers that are using their name in spreading malware as reported by pcworld on January 13, 2011.

The phishing emails informs victims about suspension of their account as a result of violation of the Patriot Act. It also suggests them for using 'IDVerify' for confirming their bank account information.

The FDIC in response claims that there does not exist any FDIC IDVerify system. In fact, in the realm of verification, people who get instigated to actually hit the FDIC IDVerify system is taken to a server controlled by the cyber criminals. The underlying motives being either stealing of the account information or the installation of malicious software on the computer of the victim.

Recently, the official statement by the FDIC disclosed that, the FDIC has got several reports regarding the scam e-mail.

FDIC further proclaimed that the intention of the attempt is to obtain all personal information from the consumers. FDIC suggested financial institutions and consumers not to access the link and provide any personal information through emails under any situation.

The security experts cautioned that financial institutions and the government agencies never ask for solicit personal information from customers via e-mails, which is a pretty clear indication that this is a fraud e-mail.

The FDIC is trying to disrupt the transmission of the emails, which can only be done by identifying the source of the e-mails. Till the achievement of the same, consumers are requested to report similar attempts by mailing at

In 2004, the FDIC reported similar attempts, when its call centers at Kansas City, Missouri, and Washington, D.C., were overwhelmed with complaints regarding the phishing campaign.

In a nutshell, types of phishing as discussed above successfully makes the US to lead the phishing charts of several security firms. A glorious example to site the following would be the declaration of Sophos recently of the US topping the phishing chart list globally and homing all kinds of online scams. The security firm RSA, which said that in a similar scam American consumers are tricked to provide all their personal details including logins and passwords, further supported this declaration.

Related article: Phishing With A Redirector Code

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