New Palam Vihar Resident Robbed in an Online Fraud Lottery ScamIn an international fraud scam, a resident of New Palam Vihar (New Delhi, India), Dalbir Singh recently got duped of his hard earned money, reports 'The Times of India', on February 3, 2011. This act of fraudulence started with the receipt of an e-mail by the victim of winning a lottery of ` 14 Crore ($ 37,000 approx) in the UK. The victimized even contacted the accused for ascertaining the lottery amount and achieve due conviction for the same. The victimized was convinced to pay ` 17 Lakh for exchange purpose as foreign currency had to be converted to rupee, reports a Police Officer in The Times of India, on February 3, 2011. The victim immediately transferred money from his account to the account of the fraud. Later on, the fraud account was revealed by the victim. Police force, who launched an FIR against the matter, is now on their troll of nabbing the criminals. Security experts regretfully claimed the aforesaid case to be the most widespread cyber crime at present. Though these kinds of email scam originated from Nigeria, but due to Internet bang and innocent individuals falling easy prey, these scams are fuelled in everyday life. Even many scams are operated from various countries including Pakistan, Burkina Faso, United States, Indonesia, India, and other developing and developed countries. Commenting on the situation, experts claimed that these kinds of fraudulence can only be handled on adoption of necessary cyber cell established within the Police lines so that detection of cyber crimes can be tackled at the nascent stage. In conclusion, some instructions to avoid such fraudulence, a netizen need to know that they cannot win a lottery unless they have not invested money on it. Authentic sources need not claim a single penny from the winner. Taxes are only paid once the winning amount is received by the winner. Related article: New Zealand Releases Code To Reduce Spam ยป SPAMfighter News - 2/11/2011 |
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