Cyber-attacks on Organizations reached an Unprecedented High during 2011: IIDAccording to President and CTO (Chief Technology Officer) Rod Rasmussen with IID, cyber-attacks against organizations have grown beyond any of previous scales, during 2011. reported this on December 13, 2011. Rasmussen stated that in his opinion, the general trend was what people of any place were saying that it was becoming serious. No long were cyber-attacks for fun alternatively even filch credit card details or money from potential victims for earning quick money, he added. Among the top security threats over 2011, IID detected security breach as one. Indeed the company named the year as that of data-breach. All organizations from PlayStation of Sony Corp. to RSA were becoming subjects of cyber-attacks that led to exposure of bulk client data online. It wasn't similar to the TJ Max data exposure a few years back rather Internet-users across all places were causing data leakage, Rasmussen noted. This, according to him, was because of one fresh underground economy, trading software that'd steal data. Crimeware was being commoditized as well as made commercial like anybody could obtain one SpyEye or Zeus toolkit, he illustrated. Alongside the above, one more major trend during 2011 has been botnet shutdowns, states IID. With more public-private partnerships (PPP), there've occurred many closures of Internet crime networks. Thus, like the FBI, on November 8, 2011, jointly with different entities from the private sector, launched a massive coordinated cyber-takedown initiative via Operation Ghost Click. The initiative aimed at the DNSChanger malware, which reportedly contaminated an estimated 4m-or-more systems across 100 countries. Earlier during September 2011, Microsoft terminated botnet Kelihos, the network of consumer PCs that malware had contaminated in the absence of knowledge by the systems' owners. Kelihos apparently contained 41,000 contaminated PCs that could dispatch spam mails counting to billions daily. Furthermore, according to IID, malicious software is currently utilized for attaining a specific objective. Online-crooks are deliberately attacking business organizations for acquiring admission into the enterprises' proprietary assets, like researchers discovered the "Duqu" Trojan designed for gaining remote access, created to be a spying tool as also being utilized for launching personalized assaults on CAs (Certificate Authorities). Related article: Cyber Child abuser Sentenced To Imprisonment ยป SPAMfighter News - 12/24/2011 |
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