Phishing E-mails Target Account-owners at Santander BankPhishing e-mails that pose as being sent from London, UK-based Santander Bank, presently circulating online, are aiming at the inboxes of people who are actually little wary of such scams, thus published dated April 30, 2012. Displaying a caption, "Santander Online Banking Notice," the scam electronic mail addressing the recipient as 'Valued Customer' tells him that the technical services division for Santander Internet Banking is conducting one routine software upgrade for making better the bank's service quality keeping in mind the customers' requirements. Therefore, the recipient is requested to deploy the upgrade by following a given web-link instantly, the e-mail states, while ends with gratitude for the person's quick attention towards the issue. But if anyone believes the e-mail and follows its web-link, he'll be led into the trap, which's one website that looks exactly like that of the Santander. Here, the potential victim will come across several forms, which ask for details like personal ID, cell-phone number, PIN, pass-code, birth date, landline number, and/or certain answers to secret questions. Eventually, a pop-up message tells the victim about successful confirmation of the personal information; however, the entire data actually lands into the hands of the phishing scammers. Importantly, against these types of scam e-mails, the same policy prevails regarding financial institutions particularly banks i.e. the institutions won't ever request customers to provide their PINs, passwords, credit card details or other personal details with which transactions or shopping can be done online. Worryingly, it's because of the above kinds of phishing e-mail scams, which have resulted in increased phishing on the Internet, remark Kaspersky the security company in its March 2012 Spam Report. Phishers mostly target financial institutions as is evident from the 24.61% of anti-phishing identifications that related to phishing websites crafted for filching from consumers' accounts with e-pay and banking entities, the company additionally states. Eventually, a similar phishing scam, during the 2nd-week of April 2012, targeted HSBC clients who got one phishing e-mail telling that an unauthorized failed attempt for accessing their bank accounts prompted HSBC Bank to deactivate the accounts as a safeguard measure for the clients. Related article: Phishing With A Redirector Code ยป SPAMfighter News - 5/8/2012 |
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