CIRA Cautions its Consumers Regarding Scam E-mailsThe company CIRA (Canadian Internet Registration Authority), which supports the domain name .ca has alerted its consumers regarding one fresh e-mail scam targeting them, thus reported dated August 13, 2012. The scam messages purport to be from that isn't any certified registrar of CIRA, notes CIRA. After finding out what domain name the e-mail receiver is using, the fake electronic mail tells him that it'll soon expire. There's also one web-link, which asks the recipient to click for reactivating the domain, while he's led onto some "" payment site of PayPal. But although CIRA along with the registrar of has terminated the website, the fake web-page namely of PayPal continues. Moreover, Byron Holland President and CEO of CIRA stated that his company took the matter seriously. For, a critical function of CIRA was maintaining domain system that was secure. The job was intertwined with the company's, what he described as DNA as well as its mandate. The kind of scams observed didn't occur frequently, Holland added. published this on August 15, 2012. Holland further said that it was, nevertheless the registrar, which was wholly accountable to CIRA. Incase any .ca domain name was sold inappropriately or bad actors prevailed then the registrars would be answerable. Meanwhile, website registrants should also remain wary of probable e-mail frauds as also make themselves knowledgeable of ways for eschewing the described situations, Holland added. Importantly according to CIRA, it doesn't know for certain who's running the mischievous campaign; however, it along with Police is probing the case. CIRA advised .ca registrants towards overlooking the e-mails as also desist paying anything. Those who felt worried regarding the expiry date of their domain names should talk to their CIRA Certified Registrar. Furthermore, anybody feeling he'd been victimized with the scam might talk to PayPal and discuss the transaction soon. Meanwhile, security analysts urged domain registrars or web-hosts providing .ca domains to inform consumers instantly of the phishing campaign. They could also post blog notification alternatively alert consumers via social media. To keep consumers secured from phishing message frauds, undertaking assertive customer service was crucial, the analysts concluded. Related article: Car SatNav Gives Another Opportunity to Hackers » SPAMfighter News - 8/23/2012 |
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