Russian Online Crime Trade Cost Prices Starkly LowTrend Micro a security software firm based in Japan has released one research paper named "Russian Underground 101" which reports that in Russia, cyber-criminals are becoming increasingly commercial as hackers in the underground trading realms sell their services in exchange of only money. The paper presents an insight into different kinds of services obtainable on hire from Russian hacker-guilds, as well as the services' descriptions, along with the existing price's breakdown. Trend Micro, which informs that the services' pricing comes at starkly low values, cites a few instances. Thus, a worldwide combination of malware programs, available online, values at an extremely low rate of $12 for every 1,000 downloadable malicious programs. In USA, such programs range between $100 and $150 for every 1,000 downloadable malware items. A DDoS assault (referring to Distributed Denial-of-Service) that inundates an online site with Web-traffic is available at an extremely low price of $10/hour-length attack, states the security company, while for a 24-hr assault, the price is $30-$70. An even low rated service is spamming activity, states the research paper. The price for it is no more than just $10 for every million e-mail ids spammed. However, this may go up based on the databases' increased worth. Intriguingly, according to the paper, malicious programs such as Trojans continue to be active, with hackers nowadays chasing contact lists, bank account details, ICQ passwords, secret documents, and account credentials for social-networking websites and other online forums. One ordinary Trojan can cost $8, while one for specific software may be priced above that of the software program itself. Thus, if the benefits are more, the price is also more such as for a Trojan that intercepts banking keystrokes could cost some thousands dollars. Moreover, compromised forum and website accounts aren't found widely although their demand is so large that ads for obtaining such accounts are aplenty within the secret online markets. Meanwhile, botnets' rent is at 200 dollars for every network of 2,000 bots. And aside services mentioned above, those which can also be bought on the Russian underground are rootkits for Windows, ZBot's source code, the Winlocker ransomware and more. Related article: Russian Spammer Uses UK To Host His Scam Site ยป SPAMfighter News - 11/14/2012 |
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