Scam E-mails on Tsunami Prediction Grip Australian InternetCyber-criminals, distributing hoax e-mails, are admonishing Internauts about a so-called Tsunami which is expected to strike against the entire Australian coast at the beginning of the approaching New Year, thus published dated November 19, 2012. Displaying a subject line "Tsunami in australia New Year's Eve 2013," the fake e-mails repeating state that as uncovered from one leaked video prepared on certain confidential meeting amongst members of the Volcanology and Seismology Agency of Australia, there will be a Tsunami on New Year 2013 eve in Australia. The video apparently shows that the storm is expected to be accompanied with a 7-degree measurement of earthquake on the Richter scale that will cause about 50,000 individual casualties as well as huge material losses for the country. Further, the organization dealing in natural calamities hasn't cautioned the Australian people regarding the calamity, the video reveals. To this point, the agency continues to be silent on this unfortunate event so people do not become panicky, the e-mails go on. However, in the end, the e-mails suggest recipients for clicking a given link named "Watch Now" that is brightly colored in red to know in detail about the alleged event by viewing the entire film, which had gotten leaked from the Volcanology and Seismology organization of Australia. But, clicking actually results in malevolent content getting downloaded that plants malicious software onto end-users' PCs, comment security analysts studying the currently spreading e-mail campaign. The scam e-mail also tries to sound credible, for it uses graphics and logos deceptively seized out of one authentic news website such as Here it is worth the note that cyber crooks frequently attempt at spreading malware through e-mails that masquerade as current and hot news. Therefore, users must remain watchful about unsolicited e-mails, which present web-links related to information regarding highly tragic, disgraceful or shocking incidences like natural calamities/terrorist attacks, scandals or celebrity deaths. It is advisable that to be on the safe side, Internet users avoid clicking such web-links that come through e-mails rather hunt for the news from genuine news websites that will most likely report about it. Related article: Sixem Worm Striking World Cup » SPAMfighter News - 11/27/2012 |
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