Scam E-Mails Pledging Cash and Motorcar Circulating OnlineE-mail posing as message from BMW the motorcar manufacturer announcing a cash prize along with one fabulous new BMW for the e-mail recipient within what's claimed as certain international promotion scheme that the manufacturer was running is presently circulating online, published dated May 1, 2013. The fake electronic mail captioned: "Ticket number: [random number]" states that BMW car-maker is glad to tell the recipient that the results are being announced about its International Promotion Scheme that took place on February 20, 2013 and that the long wait of the announcement is over. He (recipient) has been listed as one individual consumer whose Ticket number is 2752246896 while his Confidential Pin Code is x7pwyz2009, the e-mail continues. The person has been authorized to get a cash sum valuing 450,000 pounds (Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great Britain Pounds), which will be deposited against file ref. no. BMW:2551256003/23, as also one spanking new BMW 5 Series motorcar. To make the claim, the user requires contacting the endorsed agent of BMW immediately, the message concludes. Meanwhile, there are also instructions for the recipient to furnish his full name, age, address and telephone number, present country-of-residence, nationality, and e-mail id. Reportedly, analysts studying the currently circulating fraudulent e-mail scam remark that users who become convinced with the ruse followed with communicate with the said 'agent' are sure to shortly get directed for transferring different kinds of fees apparently for letting the reward be processed for dispatch. The fees include expenses for banking and legal fees, taxes, alternatively insurance payments, and must be transmitted ahead of the processing as also they're non-deductible from the monetary award, they're told. Actually, there's no award whatsoever. The pledge to send it is merely an enticement for making gullible Internauts transmit their money or private information. Furthermore, victims will get directed towards transmitting the demanded fees through the Western Union wire-transfer facility. What's more, they'll still be asked time-and-again to send upfront fees till at last they realize the con being played against them. Nonetheless, for remaining safe from such 'Advance Fee frauds,' users are advised to erase the uninvited e-mail, state security specialists. Related article: Sixem Worm Striking World Cup ยป SPAMfighter News - 5/4/2013 |
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