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Human Rights Foundation Site Breached, Numerous Account Credentials Leaked

CyberZeist along with Kapustkiy used an SQL injection to hack into the Hungarian Human Rights Foundation website. Consequently, the hackers were able to gain admission into more than 20,000 accounts. Like always, Kapustkiy leaked out just a portion of the A/C credentials while gave IT admins enough time towards developing a security patch for the flaw.

Moreover as per Softpedia reports, Kapustkiy has already informed the foundation about the flaw while according to the security experts, they would do an investigation of the breach; however, currently the website apparently is continuing to be actively working. Latesthackingnews.com posted this online dated November 21, 2016.

Kapustkiy a security pentester said the data hack could be done with the aid of an SQL
injection that made it possible for him to reach the databases consisting of numerous accounts, especially a few associated with the United States government.

Undoubtedly, the website of Hungarian Human Rights Foundation has been critically impacted with the hack, more because the exposed data consists of the registered end-users' personal information. Now it remains for all to see how quickly the foundation is able towards fixing the problem.

Kapustkiy's discovery of a website flaw is not unknown. He had discovered many others within online sites of high profile, of which one let him get inside one Italian government portal while acquire entry into the details of numerous people.

The past week, the Dipartimento Della Funzione Pubblica became a victim of hack done in a likewise technique; while according to Kapustkiy, he managed accessing the usernames and passwords of 45,000 accounts. As of the current case, Kapustkiy exposed just portion of the database so the IT administrators of Italy could take down the website and rectify the vulnerability over the weekend.

In the meantime, for people who think the leakage has affected them, it is suggested they change their password at the earliest.

Also currently, the website shows one missive, "Down for Maintenance." It continues that inconvenience is regretted, however, maintenance is going on presently, while it is a promise the site will return on the Web in a short period.

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