Netfix, ABC Hacker Promises More Disclosures: “Hollywood is Under Attack”
The hacking by DarkOverlord claims to have given few new stuff by saying they are in business of making money through internet. DarkOverlord had responded to a reporter from Hollywood by saying "there is and will always be more", when he has been questioned about leaking and hacking of unaired Hollywood videos and in view of the release on Monday, there will be wake of around 8 unaired incidents of ABC's Funderome.
Hollywood has been under attack after this incident, and they are worried of such aggressive acts. Even they wrote to pseudonymous hacking collective to HR, and received response that they are in the business for making money and not for panicking anyone.
It is more alarming that DarkOverlord further claims to contain studio movies along with unaired series as well as films from the networks like IFC as well as National Geographic which have been reported before. posted on June 7th, 2017, stating that as per knowledgeable sources though Disney/ABC and Netfix balked to pay the ransom demands, the others have quietly paid up.
It has leaked 10 unreleased episodes of 5th season of the Netflix's Orange, the New Black as well as 8 episodes that was unaired of ABC's Steve Harvey's Funderdome, and also has threatened of posting other stolen content online.
One of the cybersecurity source wanting to be anonymous said ABC is paying price for the latest comments that was done by CEO of parent company Disney, Bob Iger. Hackers have combined with pirates, and now the team is working for catching hold of all people looking for duplicate pirated as well as leaked content on internet; and fill malwares on their videos for trying to spy or track on those information and then make a good use of it.
Studio is demanding for return of their stolen goods, to which FBI of country responds by saying that they always cannot guarantee of returning stolen goods; and security spokesperson says that in few cases the hackers and pirates do not even restore files even after receiving the ransom amount. » SPAMfighter News - 6/12/2017 |
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