Rules Prohibiting Robocalls to Apply to Undesirable Bulk Ringless Voicemail
According to a warning by Sen Chuck Schumer, automatically delivered voicemails thrust in bulk would clog inboxes in case one fresh rule receives federal government's approval.
FCC or Federal Communications Commission at present is thinking about one proposed rule alteration forwarded in March 2017 with which telemarketers, other businesses and political groups may leave automatically generated voicemail messages devoid of the mobile phones actually ringing, something described as 'ringless voicemail.'
"All About the Message," a marketing firm during March petitioned FCC to issue certain rule which would stop all rules forbidding robocall and not let them be used for ringless voicemails. However, 'All About' took back its petition within a letter it wrote to FCC recently, despite the commission not still having considered the issue. posted this dated June 26, 2017.
Getting the meaning from the moniker, 'ringless voicemail' refers to any voicemail message delivered inside any voicemail box devoid of the receiver's phone ringing. "All About's" petition had requested FCC for announcing that the above described message shouldn't be considered a 'call' within the purview of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act that bans calls which aren't urgent while are made using pre-recorded voices, artificial voices, or, auto-dialers devoid of the call recipient's prior permission.
Now, over the past few years there's been an increase in robocall/automated calls asking for business or personal information from the call receivers. Federal government and lawmakers are wary of robocalls so they've exerted efforts for minimizing the same. Last year, Schumer issued slogans criticizing robocalls, pointing out that within 2 ZIP codes in New York alone, people got 50m robocalls within just one month.
Schumer, after in 2016, declaring law which would require carriers of mobile and landline phones towards providing free technology of blocking robocalls to consumers, said the petition was disgraceful because it would result in marketers dumping 'inane' messages into mobile-phone inboxes. He made a keen request to FCC for doing more towards the protection of consumers.
In addition Schumer stated how the Republican Party based on the petition was simply safeguarding the interests of the corporate houses, like always. » SPAMfighter News - 6/28/2017 |
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