Hackers Infiltrate Fake News and Porn Inside IS Websites
According to media reports, Iraqi hackers with a purpose towards making Islamic State supporters suspicious have started one Internet-based operation whereby they post porn graphics to the formal communication channels of the terrorist gang.
The group 'Daeshgram' a moniker combination of "Instagram" as well as "Daesh" (which is referred to Islamic State) has been injecting messages into social networking websites while disseminating false news across encrypted app Telegram that IS supporters frequently use.
In a statement to Newsweek, one Daeshgram hacker said his group's purpose was for inundating the World Wide Web with false Amaq postings to an extent that the apparent news agency Amaq's credibility would be diluted. Siliconangle.com posted this, November 26, 2017.
In response to the hacker's statement, Daesh told supporters that they mustn't believe the Amaq web-links. The supporters even fought over the topic as well as banished each other out of different factions, so said the hacker indicating ISIS along with its followers in Daesh name.
Daeshgram first acted via photo-shopping a nude woman's picture inside one video announcement that Islamic State leaders made regarding inauguration of one media centre within Syria.
A number of Daesh viewed it only to find it a fake. Still another number viewed it for comprehending as to why one real appearing web-link along with its content was a fake, the hacker observed.
The hackers' gang as well attacked the Amaq media site of the terrorist gang with one DDoS (distributed denial-of-service) assault, a condition of inundating an online site with so huge an amount of incoming Web-traffic so it's forced offline.
Thereafter, Newsweek added, the hackers designed a copycat edition of the web-page containing missives which mocked the ideology which extremist Sunni group followed. Their activities followed months' of work examining the radical group's Internet missives for exactly copying the manner in which they posted.
Consequently, confusion and controversy sparked inside IS Telegram supporting groups since the supporters struggled for comprehending the real information separated from the unreal as also who were the betrayals. The hackers think they'll eventually weaken the Islamic State with their activities that will also help de-legitimize it. » SPAMfighter News - 12/1/2017 |
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