Force 9 and TalkTalk Are the Highest Spam-Delivering ISPsU.K Internet Service Providers, Force 9 and TalkTalk are the targets of most spam, according to a research by ClearMyMail, an anti-spam company based in U.K. While trying to determine which broadband suppliers received the maximum spam, ClearMyMail found that Force 9 and TalkTalk were first and second, respectively, however several other providers followed them. An analysis of Internet traffic for the period 2005-06 revealed that 95 percent of e-mail messages passing through Force 9 and TalkTalk, the anti-spam systems of ClearMyMail, were either spam or contained viruses. ClearMyMail also determined which countries spam the highest number of emails to U.K. It found that the U.S. was in the lead with just a little less than 50 percent of total spam originating in the country. Though far less than the amount produced in the U.S, the next highest volume originated from U.K. with 13.09 percent-. China came third in the list accounting for 6.56 percent of all spam emails. Germany, France and the Korean Republic followed next in that order. Among the top ten highest spam delivering companies, UKServers, Eclipse Internet and Yahoo included in the list. All of them sent out over 80 percent of spam mails. The top ten most spammed ISPs that ClearMyMail listed by median spam rate included: -95 percent, TalkTalk -95 percent, UKServers -94 percent, Eclipse Internet -92 percent, Yahoo -89 percent, Orange (Wanadoo/ Freeserve) -89 percent, PlusNet -87 percent, Zen Internet -85 percent, Demon -84 percent, and Pipex -84 percent. Dan Field, managing director of ClearMyMail commented that he was shocked to see how some of the ISPs in the top ten list did not take any action to prevent spam. And he was more surprised to find U.K. as still the second largest spam emails producing country. IT Week published Mr. Field's statement on May 17, 2007. ISPs, anti-virus firms and anti-spam providers need to urgently join in finding ways to remove the frustrating spam mails that eat into precious time of Internet users while the mails grow in numbers, Mr. Field added. Related article: Files Suit against Suspected Hacker from Fox13 ยป SPAMfighter News - 5/28/2007 |
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