Deputy Registrar, GCE Condemns Publishing of Results OnlineThe Deputy Registrar of GCE Board, Mathew Akoko rejected what many believed that the Cameroon General Certificate of Education Board published the 2006 results online. Akoko told the press in Bamenda that a group of young hackers in Molyko had done the act and admitted doing so. The men later produced a written apology and promised never to do it again. Akoko faced the press after a discussion with the Superintendents of GCE & Chiefs of Center. All Africa published this as news on June 7, 2007. Akoko said the Board was almost ready to bring the men to a court trial. He said if the education institution intended to declare the results in such a manner it could do it on the Board's own Web site. Akoko blamed the men for revealing the results online because it could help ill-intended individuals to tamper with them. The Board said in future it would incorporate a copy of the student's photograph in the examination certificate. This would ensure security of examinations and stop the sale of stolen certificates. Publishers accused the Board for breach of faith. For, they had purchased GCE diskettes, which turned out of little value because the candidates saw their marks on the web. Akoko assured the press that the Board would not let the incident repeat itself. The Registrar was in Bamenda for relating to the invigilators, Center's Chiefs and Superintendents the importance of conducting examinations in a fair and just manner. Akoko's presence in Bamenda to convince all those looking after the conduct of the examinations proved significant to the administration and assessment of examinations in Cameroon, said Simon Day, Commercial director, DRS (Data Research & Services). Day also praised the idea of using candidate's photograph in examination certificates because it would help speed up the process of registration for exams and also ensure greater security. Moreover, it would guarantee the students' identity and thereby those who actually write the exams, drastically reducing candidate impersonation a common malpractice in Cameroon, Day commented. DRS published this as news in the end week of May last. Related article: Deputy Convicted For Spying Neighbor’s Computer » SPAMfighter News - 6/19/2007 |
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